It’s true –  content creation is integral to effective communication. I create content that reflects a client’s business: authentic to them, engaging to their customers.

Good content is your most valuable asset

It’s no exaggeration to say that effective content creation is fundamental to growing your business. How else are you going to tell people what you do and where they can find you unless it’s through communicating your content? Good content is your most valuable asset – second only to delivering brilliant products and services. Parachute Communication can show you how to create your own valuable content, so it engages your wider target audience and encourages them to take the right action.

Creating a marketing content strategy

Creating a marketing content strategy will give you a framework from which to communicate. It leads to successful communication and, frankly, it makes life so much easier. Only good content will attract good customers (or investors or employees or suppliers…). It’s as simple as that. By good, I mean it has to be relevant, original and timely but many businesses find the whole process of creating content difficult. Then it gets sidelined, your marketing activity stalls and the whole thing becomes very, very stressful. And still you aren’t telling your audience what you can do for them. I can fix that, starting with the content strategy: a plan of what kind of content you should be communicating, how and when. This plan is a major part of stress-free content creation; having content ready on standby together with your plan of exactly how and when to communicate it.

7 key benefits from planned content creation

Planning your content makes life a whole lot easier. It guarantees your communication activity is focused on what you need to achieve. Here are 7 key benefits:

  1. Your content will be customised to your business.
  2. Your brand, products and services will come across as coherent and joined-up.
  3. Your website will be the next best thing to meeting you.
  4. You won’t dread writing a blog or an article.
  5. You’ll be using social media because it’s right for you, not from FOMO.
  6. No more scrabbling around after stats and stories for tender documents.
  7. You’ll have what you need to take advantage of adhoc marketing opportunities, such as speaking at a conference.
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Parachute Communication will show you how to create content that stays relevant to your target audience – a steady flow of authentic intel and ‘campaignable’ ideas.

Finding your authentic content

In my experience, businesses cite 3 reasons for not paying great attention to their content:

  1. We’re no different from any other company in our sector so “we’ve got nothing interesting to say”.
  2. We don’t need to promote ourselves so “we don’t need content”.
  3. We can’t talk about our projects because of “client confidentiality”.

My response is always the same:

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  1. Of course you’re different; you just need help working out how. Supermarkets build distinctive brands around selling the same and very similar products, and so can you.
  2. Don’t wait until your order book is empty to start relying on your content.
  3. If GCHQ can talk about what it does (“…the UK’s intelligence, security and cyber agency. Our mission is to help keep the country safe.”) then I can definitely get round your commercially sensitive work.

You just need my help in finding your authentic, relevant, imaginative and broad-ranging content. Then, we can work out how best to communicate it (without breaching any confidentiality agreements).

The Parachute Communication Good Content Guide

Essentially, I work with businesses so they understand what content means to them; how to create, then use, it to good effect:

  1. Showing you how and where to keep finding your valuable content.
  2. Making it so much easier to write good copy and find the right images.
  3. Harmonising it across all your channels and media – online, face-to-face, in print.

Basically, I create content champions – people in charge of their content creating exactly what their business needs in order to achieve their commercial objectives. I work with different sized companies in a variety of industries so I understand the challenges you face and how to help you create hard-working content whatever you need to focus on – from brand awareness to lead generation.

Strategic marketing content

I’ll introduce you to content creation as the bigger, more strategic idea behind what you actually say and show. Technically, content is more than individual copywriting, images or videos. Those are the tools you use to convey your content. Strategic content leads to successful communication because you’re working to a plan that’s built specifically for your business. I’ve worked with small and large companies, and in very many different sectors. Consequently, I regard content as important as the core business, whether you manage IT infrastructure for a large investment company or teach Pilates to a small group of mums.

Content is what you communicate – write, say, show, demonstrate – to attract the people who matter to you. It’s what you put on your website pages, post on social media, show in videos and talk about in podcasts. Having good content makes blog and article writing so much more successful. And it isn’t just about digital marketing content; your use content for all your communication – in flyers and brochures, on exhibition stands, in directories, at networking events… It can all get a bit overwhelming – there’s a lot to think about. That’s why you need a Parachute Communication to help you with your content creation. I’ll put a plan in place that means you can always communicate effectively – and efficiently.

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Building SEO content

Having authentic, compelling and clear content is fundamental to SEO. Neither Google nor your target customers are clairvoyant; they need help in finding and choosing you. Sure, they’ll pay great attention to recommendations and great reviews but you can’t rely solely on other people for your lead generation. For a start it means that you aren’t in charge of the narrative. For many businesses content is the elephant in the room. They find it difficult to create but equally difficult to avoid because Google keeps telling them how important it is. Google rewards ‘helpful content’ and penalises misleading, boring, useless – and duplicated content. So, any old content isn’t going to get you where you need to be. The picture of you finishing the marathon for charity, the company’s latest project win –  no doubt these are important to you but your digital marketing content needs to be more compelling.

Work with Parachute Communication and I’ll show you where to find content that works effectively online, and helps you meet your business objectives. It’s a successful, stressless process, keeping your content fresh, relevant and 100% SEO-ready. It’s a process I’ve developed over the years and it’s also available as part of my Content Simplified course

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I’ll teach you the process for powerful content creation

Creating great content isn’t a one-off exercise. Once you’ve put your content strategy in place, you then need a steady supply of (up to date) data, stories and information for your various channels. So then it becomes a management task.Content creation and marketing a business deserve director-level attention. Parachute Communication will introduce you to the whole process of identifying and gathering your content. Then you can brief and direct your team – whether internal or external resource – so what you communicate continues to reflect the wider goals of the business:

  1. Reaching the right people – your customers, suppliers, investors and employees.
  2. Encouraging them to take the right action – buy from you, recommend you, invest in you, supply you with high quality goods and services, etc. 

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